Friday, January 16, 2009

GOODNESS ME... week will be a totally STRESSFUL week for me and everyone else....
i will be having exams on based on the previous year and remedial classes and meetings and having to become a chairperson hated by some china bastard who doesnt even deserve being mentioned by name here...and having to worry about my cca shit, just realized that i need a core cca....dunno if there are any exceptions...what the bloody hell...sorry for the bad language but im trully pissed to the core...and guess what??? im having period cramps right now!!! everymove i make seems to make it worse and need i to study and cant concentrate... the pain takes over my mind...(suffering in silence)

last week made me realize how two faced humans are able to be...mental note that i gotta be careful cos the world is full with these losers and life is not all fairytales...reality sucks most of the will not always go the way you want it to be and you dont have 100% control over your destiny...sometimes you really need luck too.

also i dunno if i really want to be a councilor or not if chairperson is good enough as it is...oh man!!! cca cca cca!!! these three letters have really messed up peoples lives...especially for new students. mr robert lee why is it soooo hard to look for you to have a talk about these things??? where are you!!!

damn mock exams....i hate you...damn the sexist bastards at my class...damn them all!!! i have TONNES of things to do and im not even starting...yay for the lazy me... btw it also would help if im not having cramps now... why girls???

the clock is ticking and i MUST get my mess settled asap. gotta work extre extra EXTRA hard for all a1s... i know if i work hard enough i will get it....forget ccas! they can only bring you so far...
lamei, wan, asa, da bren and ALL of my dear friends!!! work hard together! go thru thick and thin! and celebrate our success together!!! muahahahahaha!!!


huiqin said...

sueann, ignore those ppl
must gambateh o.O
support u forever :D
gogogo `

Me said...

hoorray for laziness!!


huiqin said...

hahs i'm here, once again =D
gambateh for ur mock exam o.O =)